Rose Beige Artificial Bouquet
This tender and warm beige rose bouquet blends perfectly into any decor! Featuring a beautiful combination of colors, these beige roses add a touch of elegance and pair well with Scandinavian interior styles.
Elegant and Versatile
Enhance your space with the sophistication of these beige artificial roses. Their soft hue and realistic appearance make them a versatile choice for any setting.
High-Quality Silk Material
Crafted from high-quality silk, these beige artificial roses have a lifelike texture and vibrant color that will last for years to come. Say goodbye to wilting petals and enjoy the beauty of these faux flowers.
Technical Specifications
- Made of silk material for a realistic look and feel
- Color: Beige
- Dimensions of each rose (Diameter x Height): 6 x 30 cm
- Sold in a bouquet arrangement
- Pot not included
Transform your space with the timeless elegance of these beige artificial roses. Whether used as a centerpiece, in a floral arrangement, or as a decorative accent, these flowers add a touch of sophistication to any room. With their durable silk construction, these roses provide long-lasting beauty without the maintenance of real flowers. Ideal for weddings, events, home decor, and more, these beige artificial roses are a chic and affordable choice for adding a touch of natural beauty to your space.