Artificial Yellow Rose Bouquet
Add a touch of joy and tranquility to your event decoration with this artificial yellow rose bouquet. The light yellow tones of the silk roses make this bouquet perfect for weddings or birthdays, warming up the atmosphere of any celebration and adding a trendy touch to your interior decor.
Stunning Decor Piece
Elevate your event decor with the vibrant beauty of this artificial yellow rose bouquet. Its lifelike appearance will captivate your guests and enhance the overall ambiance, making it a standout feature in any setting.
High-Quality Silk Material
Crafted from high-quality silk, each rose in this bouquet boasts a realistic look and feel. The attention to detail in the design ensures that these artificial roses closely resemble their fresh counterparts, adding a touch of elegance to your space.
Product Technical Specifications
- Light Yellow Color
- Material: Silk
- Dimensions of Each Rose (Diameter x Height): 6 x 30 cm
- Sold as a single bouquet
- Pot Not Included
Enhance the beauty of your event decor with this artificial yellow rose bouquet. Its lifelike appearance and high-quality silk material make it a perfect choice for weddings, birthdays, or any special occasion. Add a pop of color and elegance to your space with these stunning artificial roses. Perfect for those searching for white rose petals, blue artificial roses, affordable roses, or faux rose petals.